Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

4 Kumpulan Istilah dan Singkatan Airsoft Gun

Mekanisme spring (pegas/per) biasanya diterapkan pada model-model airsoft gun jenis awal yang banyak diadaptasi pada mainan jenis pistol. Dengan menarik slide/kokangannya, Anda telah mengokang pistol tersebut, dan tinggal menembakkan. Anda harus mengokang lagi jika Anda hendak menembakkannya kembali. Singkatnya 1x kokang, 1x tembakan, 1 Peluru
Jenis Airsoft Gas Seperti namanya, jenis ini menggunakan gas untuk menghembuskan gas jenis freon (HFC 134/R22) yang akan meniupkan bb 6mm tersebut. Kelebihan jenis ini adalah efek hentakan (recoil) atau blowback yang ditimbulkannya bagi banyak penggemar menghasilkan sensasi yang tersendiri dibandingkan jenis lainnya. Airsoft gas yang non blowback bisa lebih kencang powernya di karenakan tenaga gas tidak digunakan untuk menggerakkan slide (blowback), sehingga tenaganya bisa 100% digunakan untuk powernya
Jenis Electric Gun merupakan Jenis terkini yang juga sangat populer. Disebut electric gun karena mekanisme pendorong tenaganya digerakkan oleh motor (dynamo) yang digerakkan oleh tenaga baterai yang mendorong piston untuk bergerak maju/mundur menghembuskan bb 6mm agra segera meluncur di dalam laras.
  • GNBB: Gas Non Blowback — Non / Tanpa efek gerakan recoil maju mundur sidenya
  • Gas Standart/Reguler Gas/Top gas — Cara pengisian dengan cara refill dengan di suntikkan ke dalam magazin.
  • Gas co2 — Berbetuk kecil dan cara memasang langsung di masukkan ke dalam Magazin atau di balik grip jadi lebih praktis, Power Lebih besar dr yang menggunakan Gas standart/Green gas
  • Airsoft — Menggunakan Peluru/BB berdiameter 6mm — Bisa berbahan kaca, alumunium dll asal 6mm
  • Airgun — Menggunakan Peluru/BB berdiameter 4,5mm bb atau mimis
  • BB: Peluru Bulat
  • Mimis: Pallet diabolo (Biasa digunakan untuk peluru senapan angin)
  • AEG = Automatic Electric Gun atau AEG bertenaga listrik, bisa Rifle atau Sub Machine Gun. Beberapa dilengkapi dengan aksesori dan komponen. AEG dirancang untuk pemain lebih serius atau penggemar Tweaking atau upgrade. AEG menggabungkan dinamo dan baterai dioperasikan untuk menggerakan piston yang menghasilkan tekanan udara. Hal ini memungkinkan untuk menembak seketika setelah pelatuk di tekan. Dan memungkinkan untuk menembak secara otomatis. AEG adalah jenis yang paling populer dan ideal untuk rata-rata pengguna
  • GBB = Gas Blow Back atau GBB adalah produk yang paling efektif, dalam kinerja senapan GBB, peluru di dorong oleh tekanan dari Gas oksigen (o2), Green Gas adalah produk gas paling populer digunakan. Semua GBB diproduksi dengan kualitas tinggi detail permukaan maupun dimensi
  • AEP = Automatic Electric Pistol sama dengan AEG namun untuk pistol rata menggunakan Gearbox plastik
  • LPEG = Low Power Electric Gun” atau LPEG sama dengan AEG namun menggunakan Gearbox plastik sehingga kecepatan pelurunya terbatas, cocok untuk pemula atau low buget
  • AEG = Automatic Electric Airsoftgun
  • Spring = istilah yang menggambarkan airsoftgun bermode manual (non-automatic). Ciri khasnya, selalu dikokang sebelum menembak.
  • ACM = All China Made
  • ACOG = Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight
  • AJM = All Japan Made
  • AEG = Automatic Electric Guns
  • AEP = Automatic Electric Pistols
  • BB = ball bearing/ peluru airsoft gun
  • CQB = Close Quarters Battle
  • Hop-up = Karet untuk memutar bb sehingga memaksimalkan Range
  • RAS = Rail Adapter System (Rail Accessory System)
  • RIS = Rail Interface System
  • GBB = Gas Blow Back
  • NBB = Non Blow Back
  • FPS = Feet Per Second
  • ROF = Rate Of Fire
  • FTK = Full Tuneup Kits
  • OD = Olive Drab (Green)
  • SUSAT = Sight Unit Small Arms, Trilux
  • SOCOM = Special Operations Command
  • PTW = Professional Training Weapon
  • BE = Both Elephant
  • CA = Classic Army
  • CAW = Crab Apple Works
  • TM = Tokyo Marui
  • JG = Jing Gong
  • KA = King Arms
  • KJW = Kwan Ju Works
  • KTW = Kaoru T&g Wachi
  • KWC = Kien Well Corporation
  • PDI = Paintball Developent Inc.
  • G&G = Guay & Guay
  • HFC = Ho Feng Company
  • ICS = I Chih Shivan
  • JAC = Japan Airsoft Company
  • JLS = Jia Li Sheng
  • UHC = Unicorn Hobby Company
  • WE = Wei Etech
  • VFC = Vega Force Company
  • SRC = Star Rainbow Company
  • STTI = Spring Time (Taiwan) Inc
  • TSD = Team Specialized Distribution
  • TW = Tanaka Works
  • WA = Western Arms
  • DM = Designated Marksman
  • DMR = Designated Marksman Rifle
  • SRT = Special Response Team
  • BDU = Battle Dress Uniform
  • DPM = Disruptive Patern Material
  • 3 = SAN – 3 Round Burst / HOWA Type 89
  • A = ANZEN – Safety / HOWA Type 89
  • A = Ausf?hrung / model / Heckler & Koch
  • ABU = Airman Battle Uniform
  • ACM = All China Made/Airsoft China Murah/All China Manufactured
  • ACOG = Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight
  • ACU = Army Combat Uniform
  • AEG = Automatic Electric Guns
  • AEP = Automatic Electric Pistols
  • AJM = All Japan Made/Airsoft Jepun Mahal/All Japan Manufactured
  • AK=avtomat kalashnikova / rusia
  • ALICE = All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
  • BCU=Ballistic Combat Uniform
  • BDU = Battle Dress Uniform
  • BE = Both Elephant merek
  • C.I.R.A.S= Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System
  • CA = Classic Army / merek
  • CAW = Crab Apple Works / merek
  • chicom=chinese communist
  • CQB = Close Quarters Battle
  • CQC : Close Quarter Combat.
  • DCU = Desert Camouflage Uniform
  • DM = Designated Marksman
  • DMR = Designated Marksman Rifle
  • DPM = Disruptive Pattern Material
  • F.A.P.C=Fast Attack Plate Carrier
  • FAR=Fast Attack Rack
  • FPS = Feet Per Second
  • FTK = Full Tuneup Kits
  • G&G = Guay & Guay / merek
  • G= Gewehr / senapan / Heckler & Koch
  • GBB = Gas Blow Back
  • GI=government issue
  • HFC = Ho Feng Company / merek
  • HUD=Heads Up Display
  • ICS = I Chih Shivan / merek
  • ILBE = Improved Load Bearing Equipment
  • JAC = Japan Airsoft Company
  • JG = Jing Gong / merek
  • JLS = Jia Li Sheng
  • K= Kurz / pendek / Heckler & Koch
  • KA = King Arms / merek
  • KJW = Kwan Ju Works / merek
  • KTW = Kaoru T&g Wachi / merek
  • KWC = Kien Well Corporation / merek
  • LBV = Load Bearing Vest
  • M=modernizirovannyj(di modernisasi) / rusia
  • Marpat = MARine Disruptive PATtern
  • MCCUU = Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform
  • MFF=Military Free Fall
  • MLCE = Modernized Load-Carrying Equipment
  • MOLLE = MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment
  • MP= Maschinen Pistole / pistol mesin (SMG) / Heckler & Koch
  • N=ndak inget singkatan dari apa tapi artinya ada sistem adpter scope / rusia
  • NBB = Non Blow Back
  • NVA=north vietnamese army(vietnam utara) atau Nationale Volksarmee(jerman timur)
  • OD = Olive Drab (Green)
  • P= Pistole / pistole / Heckler & Koch
  • PASGT = Personal Armor System Ground Troop
  • PDI = Paintball Developent Inc.
  • PDI = Persuit Design Incorporated.
  • PDW= Personal Defense Weapon
  • PLCE = Personal Load Carrying Equipment
  • PSG= Präzisions Scharfsch?tzen Gewehr / senapan penembak jitu presisi/Heckler & Koch
  • PTW = Professional Training Weapon
  • QD: quick detach (gampang dipasang gitu artinya)
  • R.A.C.K.=Ranger Assault Carrying Kit
  • RAS = Rail Adapter System ( Rail Accessory System )
  • RBA=Ranger Body Armour
  • RE = RENTPATSU – Full Auto / HOWA Type 89
  • RIS = Rail Interface System
  • ROF = Rate Of Fire (jumlah bb yang ditembakkan per satuan waktu)
  • RPG=Ruchnoi Protivotankovy Granatomjot / rusia
  • RPK=ruchnoi pulemyot kalashnikova / rusia
  • S=skladnoy(popor lipat) / rusia
  • SD= Schalldämpfer / peredam suara / Heckler & Koch
  • S-E-F= Sicher – Einzelfeuer – Feuersto? / safe – economical – fun / Heckler & Koch
  • S-E-F= Sicher – Einzelfeuer – Feuersto? / safe – semi auto – full auto/Heckler & Koch
  • SOCOM = Special Operations Command
  • SRC = Star Rainbow Company / merek
  • SRT = Special Response Team
  • STTI = Spring Time (Taiwan) Inc / merek
  • SUSAT = Sight Unit Small Arms, Trilux
  • SVD=snaiperskaya vintovka dragunova / rusia
  • TA = TANPATSU – Semi Auto / HOWA Type 89
  • TM = Tokyo Marui / merek
  • TSD = Team Specialized Distribution
  • TW = Tanaka Works / merek
  • U=ukorochenaya(pendek) / rusia
  • UHC = Unicorn Hobby Company / merek
  • UMP= Universale Maschinen Pistole / Heckler & Koch
  • USP= Universale Selbstladepistole / Universal Self-loading Pisto/ Heckler & Koch
  • VC=Viet Cong
  • VFC = Vega Force Company / merek
  • WA = Western Arms / merek
  • WE = Wei Etech / merek
  • G: Gewehr / senapan
  • P: Pistole / pistole
  • K: Kurz / pendek
  • MP: Maschinen Pistole / pistol mesin (SMG)
  • A: Ausf?hrung / model
  • SD: Schalldämpfer / peredam suara
  • UMP: Universale Maschinen Pistole
  • USP: Universale Selbstladepistole / Universal Self-loading Pistol
  • PSG: Präzisions Scharfsch?tzen Gewehr / senapan penembak jitu presisi
  • PDW: Personal Defense Weapon
  • S-E-F: Sicher – Einzelfeuer – Feuersto? / safe – semi auto – full auto
  • AO = Adjustable Objective (focus nya bisa diatur sesuai jarak)
  • E = Electro (illuminated, ada lampu)
  • OD = Objective Diameter (diameter lensa depan)
  • TD = Tube Diameter (diameter body scope)
  • SF = Side Focus (puteran untuk focus ada di samping body scope)
  • MOA = Minutes of Angle
  • FOV = Field Of View
  • IR = Infrared
  • BSP = Bright Source Protection
  • Steyr AUG : Armee Universal Gewehr – “Universal Army Rifle”
  • FAMAS : Fusil d’Assaut de la Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-Étienne: Saint-Étienne arms factory assault rifle
  • FN-FAL : Fabrique Nationale de Herstal – Fusil Automatique Léger (Light Automatic Rifle)
  • HK : Heckler & Koch
  • AK47 : Avtomat Kalashnikova 47
  • StG44 : Sturmgewehr 44
  • MP5 : Maschinen Pistole 5

0 About Me

    Nama gw Deny Febriwijaya Romadhani. Sama temen-temen biasanya dipanggil Deny tetapi ada juga yang manggil nama gw itu Juned. Entah kenapa kok gw dipanggil Juned. Gw lahir di Jember, 1 Februari 1997. Sekarang gw lagi duduk di bangku SMAN 3 Jember kelas XII. Di SMA gw ikut ekskul Pecinta Alam. Jadi anak PA itu ada sisi positif dan negatifnya juga tapi lebih banyak ke sisi positifnya hehe. 

    Oh iya hobi gw gak banyak sih cuma airsoft sama renang doang. Itupun yang airsoft gak pernah ikut skrimish atau anak airsofter biasa nyebutnya sukir. Klo renangnya rutin sebulan bisa 4-5 kali. Selain itu klo musik sih gw sukanya sama AKB48 dan JKT48 . Lagunya pada keren semua, salut gw sama penciptanya Yashusi Akimoto / Aki-P. Selama gw ngidol sama JKT48 gw punya pengalaman yang pernah gw dapet. Salah satunya gw dapat banyak temen hahaha. Mungkin itu saja sekilas tentang gw klo mau kepo lebih lanjut bisa hubungi contact gw. Thanks.

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014



Hallo guys!

Do you know what is Explanation Text?

Explanation text is a text that has social function to tell how or why something happens. Explanation tells something deeply based on facts.

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"Is a text that contains the processes associated with natural phenomena, social, science, culture and more. An Explanation text is usually derived from the corresponding author of the question 'why' and 'how' of a phenomenon".

Purpose of Explanation Text
Purpose of the Explanation text is to explain the processes that occur in the formation or activity associated with natural phenomenon, social, science, culture, and others that aim to make the listener or reader to understand the purpose of ourexplanation.

Explanation text  has generic structure consisting of :
1. A general statement
    In a general statement contains a general explanation of the phenomenon to be discussed, the phenomenon could be the introduction or explanation to listener or reader.

       2. A squenced of explanation
     A squenced of explanation contains an explanation about why the phenomenon may occur or be created. A squenced of explanation in the form of answers to the question 'why' and 'how' the writer when creating a text Explanation. In squenced of explanation can contain more than one paragraph.

3. Closing
     Actually closing it is not listed in the generic structure of the Explanation text, but most people assume that the last paragraph of the Explanation text is closing, but it is part of squenced of explantaion which contains the final step described in section squenced of explanation.

 "Language Features Explanation Text"

  • Using Focus on generic, non human participants  ( ex : Car, Phone, etc)
  • Using the Passive Voice (ex : e.g The milk are fermented for about a week to make a youghurt.)
  • Using Action verbs (ex : e.g The chocolates maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour)
  • Using Noun phrases ( ex : Black car, Pear fruit, etc)

    Example Explanation Text:
    How Cell Phone Work 

          A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone is actually a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other people in real time. Million people use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays, people use cell phones to communicate in voice, written and data. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who make great change in the way people communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876. While wireless radio was formally known in 18994 presented by Guglielmo Marconi. By these two technologies, then a cell phone was born. However do you know how actually cell phones work?
           This short explanation on how a cell phone work is really wonderful. A cell phone or in long term "cellular telephone' works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular. The towers are networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-cables, ormicrowave.
           Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is directed connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellulars are pick up by the towers and relayed to another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network. The towers vary in the capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can receive the signal from short distance and the others can receive more distance. However, there are usually more than one tower in certain given area so that the system can handle the increasing telephone traffic. 

    The Cause of Occurrence of Acid Rain

               Acid rain is a serious environmental problem that is really a lot of rethinking by humans. This is a common problem that is gradually affecting human life. The term acid rain was first introduced by Angus Smith when he wrote about industrial pollution in England at 2001.But the term acid rain is not evective,the evective one is acid deposition. Acid rain can also be interpreted as all sorts of rain with a pH below 5.6. Rain is naturally acidic (pH slightly under 6) because of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air that dissolves with rain water has a shape as a weak acid. Type of acid in rain is very beneficial because it helps dissolve minerals in the soil needed by plants and animals.

    Causes of Acid Rain Occurrence

             Basically Acid rain is caused by two air pollutants, Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) which are both produced through combustion. But about 50% SO2 in the atmosphere occurs naturally throughout the world, for example, from volcanic eruptions and forest fires are natural. While the other 50% comes from human activities, for example due to BBF combustion, metal smelting and power generation.  Crude oils have sulfur from 0.1% to 3% and coal 0.4% to 5%. BBF Left on fuel, it oxidizes the sulfur into sulfur dioxide (SO2) and loose in the air. Sulfur oxides are later transformed into sulfuric acid.

    Photosynthesis Process

         Photosynthesis is a Biochemical Process that occurs in plants, algae, and some bacteria, Creating the Atmospheric Oxygen and food that sustain the majority of life on Earth.

         The process uses sunlight to convert water and Carbon Dioxide into Carbohydrates and Oxygen. It works into two stages : The Light Dependent Reaction and The light Independent Reaction. In Senior High School, generally known as Aerob Reaction and Anaerob Reaction.

         The First stage is The Light Dependent Reaction. In this first step of Photoshnythesis, sunlight enters the first Photosystem and energizes the Chlorophyll.
    The excited Chlorophyll splits water into Oxygen and Hydrogen. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll feeds electrons into a complex sequence of nearby molecules called the electron transport chain.

         The freed Oxygen escapes into Athmosphere, While the freed Hydrogen is used later in The light Independent Reaction. As electrons move along the electron transport chain, their energy make the molecule ATP, which is used by all known forms of life to fuel their cellular functions. The electrons enter a second Photo system, get full energized by sunlight, and move along another electron transport chain to construct a molecule called NADP. The second stage is The Light Independent Reaction. NADP combines with Hydrogen, which was freed earlier in The Light Dependent Reaction, to produce NADPH.

       NADPH, ATP, and Choloroplast Enzyme called Rubisco, work together to create sugars and other Carbohydrates from Carbon Dioxide and Water in a Process called The Calvin Benson Cycle. It is a very complex reaction that Fixes Carbon from the Athmosphere forming The Foundation of Earth’s major food chains plants directly use sugar as their food, and many other organisms eat plants to gain their stored energy.

         We can also conclude that Photosynthesis is how plants use light and water to make sugar and It is created in the green parts of a plant and every animal on earth depends on it. So, Without plants we would have no food to eat or oxygen to breath


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